Cardi B Denies Posting Transphobic Meme on Facebook

Cardi B has been in her fair share of negative press over the past month, especially with the Nicki Minaj fight in the back mirror. However, that was just the beginning for poor Cardi, as now she’s been hit with an accusation that she’s transphobic, because of a meme posted to her social media account over the weekend.

Because Cardi doesn’t like people twisting her words, she got her story straight immediately, by taking to Twitter to explain the situation, telling all of her followers that the meme was not posted by her…

It's come to my attention that there have been offensive posts made on what used to be my Facebook page. For the past year and a half a FORMER team member has been the only one with access to the account.

— Cardi B (@iamcardib) September 16, 2018

Although Cardi tried to rectify this issue immediately, many people across Twitter were still pissed, especially because she didn’t actually apologise, just tried to put the blame on someone else.

Damage control without an apology?


— Bitch, I'm rich (@KingdomTingz) September 16, 2018

Many were saying how she’s at fault for giving those who used to work for her, access to her social media accounts, who therefore post stuff in her name and image…

Listen. Even if true. It’s still the fault of you and your new team for leaving your name and image in the hands of those who no longer work for you.

Be best.

— George M Johnson Garçon (@IamGMJohnson) September 16, 2018

Whilst others are saying that Cardi doesn’t help herself, as has made jokes about the Transgender community before, and has also been involved with other celebrities who have been accused of being transphobic…

@iamcardib I love you. I want you to thrive. I implore you to take that FB post down and take some time away. You have shamed my community so many times and with your platform…you need to be educated on the harm and danger you continue to do to transgender women…

— Morilla (@morgansherm_) September 16, 2018

However, some people think that others are taking this situation too far and are just trying to add fuel to the Nicki vs Cardi fire that ignited last week…

I'm watching this Cardi fallout with a lot of distrust. I feel like a lot of y'all don't actually care and are just using us as pawns in your Stan Wars to get ol' girl cancelled.

— Yves' Pinned Tweet (@AdamantxYves) September 16, 2018

Some  may think that this situation has been taken out of hand, but transgender advocates such as actress, Laverne Cox, has said how it shouldn’t be socially acceptable to make jokes about trans people, as it is dehumanizing to so many people.

I am a huge advocate for free speech but as long as its socially acceptable to make jokes about trans people, to make and share memes disparaging & demeaning trans folks, trans folks will continue to be murdered &denied civil rights. #TransIsBeautiful #transrightsarehumanrights

— Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) September 16, 2018

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Do better, Cardi.

Do you think Cardi B should’ve properly apologized? Do you think people are trying to add fuel to the Nicki beef that happened last week? Let us know in the comments, or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.