Dying Chimpanzee Says Goodbye to Best Friend

  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com

  •  I hope you people like crying, because this next video will have your once dry eyes in tears. Mama, a chimpanzee at the Royal Burgers Zoo in Holland was dying when she recieved a special guest — Professor Jan Van Hoof whom she had known since they first met in 1972. Before the professor visited her, the chimpanzee lay unresponsive, in a fetal position and ready to die. When she sees her old friend her eyes light up, and she raises herself for one final burst of energy. The chimpanzee passed away a week later after the visit took place.  Mama was born in the wild but was brought into captivity when she became the grand matriararch of the other chimps. Of her, a scientist who worked with her, Frans de Waal, said — She had an exceptionally strong and dominant personality, so that no man who wanted to come to power could do so around her. She also brought consolation when there were tensions and mediated conflicts… She will be sorely missed, also by me, because I have rarely seen such an admirable character in both humans and apes.  Did the video make you cry? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.