Futurama Is Back — In Game Form!

  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com

  •  Futurama was a legendary show with a grand fanbase, and if it was in any genre other than television, it would continue to last forever in the form of whatever the heck fans want it as. Well, good news everyone, to quote a great man, a Professor Farnsworth of a man, Futurama is back in one of those genres that never ends — gaming! Futurama has had video games before — from console games to puzzle games, but it’s always exciting when the original staff comes back to help us experience this world again, and this game is accompanied by an exciting cartoon.  It’s only about a minute long, but in that minute Leela tells Amy to scream less loudly, and Lrrr, the alien in a bad marriage, tells me my mobile gaming habit is bad for me — which like — I know that, bro! Let me play my game!  The game seems to be a 16 bit throwback RPG, and I can’t wait. What do you think though? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending.