John Oliver Is Back With “Truth vs. Trump” Segment

  •  It’s always a treat when bespectacled super nerd and hero of the people, John Oliver, returns to our TV screens to give a take down to Donald Trump. Or rather less a take down, and more a cautious jostling and begging to return to a time when facts mattered rather than facts were the starting point to figuring out your own personal set of facts because, gosh darn it, facts still matter!  Elsewhere in the episode he also covers Trump’s ridiculously bad handshake style, as we have explored both here and here. Good job, bad handshake Trump. In the past John Oliver has done episodes about the dangers of Trumpism several times, and now that the new season is upon us, and given this is a pressing issue here and now, we can expect to see a lot more from the comedian down the line.  The segment ends with John Oliver trying to educate Trump by playing commercials showing key things he should know in the commercial breaks on Trump’s beloved cable news. Good luck, Oliver!  What did you think of the video? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter at @WhatsTrending