Casey Neistat Is Attending Trump’s Inauguration

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  •  Leading up to the Presidential election, creator Casey Neistat drew up a firestorm when he released a video revealing his thoughts on the candidates.

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  •  In the video, Neistat endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and called out Trump’s many wrongdoings. His endorsement, however, is not what caused a stir. It was his insistence that fellow creators be labeled “complicit” in Trump’s election if they did not join him in endorsing Clinton. If this guy gets elected and you stood back with your arms folded and didn’t speak out against him, it makes you complicit.  Now that we are just two days away from the inauguration, Casey Neistat has called on his audience for advice.  CNN has offered to fly Neistat out to the inauguration, but he doesn’t really know what to do. He has no assignment, therefore allowing him to cover and create whatever he’d like. The video has already racked up over 30,000 comments with viewers requesting footage of the crowd’s emotional responses, interviews with attendees, and trolls asking for hotel room tours.  Longtime viewers may remember that Casey attended Obama’s inauguration in 2008, so it will be interesting to see how this experience differs from his last.  What kind of footage would you like to see from the Presidential inauguration? Let us know in the comments below or @WhatsTrending on Twitter!